Tag Archives: road safety

A little word of advice for road users, and a sad sad goodbye

A few weeks ago, I found out via Facebook that Ashley had been involved in a car crash. ‘Some cuts and bruises’ he said, then I saw the pictures…

Moggie was a 1955 Morris Minor, and so had no seatbelts.  A guy (in a BMW) jumped a red light and hit them, causing the car to go into the air & hit a road sign (impressive if it wasn’t quite so horrific).  Luckily Ashley & passenger, Bobby, were both able to get out of the car, and are both on the way to a full recovery.

I can’t get over the stupidity of some people on the roads.  I often find myself wondering how people managed to pass their test if they drive the way they do, but I am fast realising that the law only matters if you are caught, and I guess that’s the problem.  Frequently on my way to & from Worcester University, I see people driving in excess of the speed limit (seriously, set off 10 minutes earlier & you won’t have to rush) and driving whilst on their mobile phones (I can’t see what could possibly be so important).  A lot of cars come without indicators these days too…

It’s exceptionally upsetting to hear about Ashley losing his car like this.  Sure, I know, cars can be replaced, but I am not sure this is something you can understand unless you are the owner of a classic car.

Of course, we are all exceptionally happy that both Ashley & Bobby were able to walk away from the accident, but we shall still lament the passing of Moggie.

Plus, the weekend after the accident, Ashley was meant to be coming round to sort out Martha’s broken half shaft, so he buggered that up royally 😉

Best wishes you two xxxx